just recieved a radiator i got off e bay from topone for 290 dollars ,it looks beautiful, even better than a stock one.solid aluminum , polished and looking very good. makes me think that a nice polished piece really does not need all that plastic bolted to it.
just recieved a radiator i got off e bay from topone for 290 dollars ,it looks beautiful, even better than a stock one.solid aluminum , polished and looking very good. makes me think that a nice polished piece really does not need all that plastic bolted to it.
I have always thought of having a triple core radiator made up. not much wider than the frame. BSA Bob had one at RDU and the bike just looked sleeker. It started me thinking seriously ... not just me though @Mittzy
I not an engineer but I would imagine flow through rates or such would have to be considered or just make it and depend on the thermostat to regulate flow?
man I wish I could do pictures, but I cant, you can see many pictures buy going to ebay and look up topone or just type in r3 radiator. there were 3 vendors selling them all seemed to be the same Chinese manufacturer . the welds are beautiful and its a direct bolt on.the top sides and bottom are polished aluminum and looks great. seems to have all the right bosses and hangers welded in nicly.it was 290 with free shipping , a steal compared to the stock part. the tracking was usless but it arrived as promised.