Radiator leaking new bike

Did the anti-freeze wreck your paint ?
No. It's a non silica mixed with water wetter and distilled water.

When I first saw it I thought it was oil and water.
Scared the hell out of me.

What brand anti-freeze do you use ? I've heard we are suppose to use the "no silica" kind. I need to change mine this year.

I know that the Evolution engines were a big improvement and the Twin Cams. One of my good Friends has about 5 Harley's. they are always broken down because he thrashes them. Out right abuses them. He broke the swing arm on his Road King. The rest are old, pan head, shovel head , knuckle head bikes. I like his Road King the best.

The problem I have with Harley is not the with the bike. It is fine. I like all motorcycles. The problem I have is with the riders. So many people are buying these bikes for the image. They are more concerned with image than riding. They scurry between stops so they can stand around with all their gear looking cool. They look down their nose at other brands. They won't wave like most other riders , unless you are riding a Harley.
There is no other brand of motorcycle that has brought out so many posers.

I feel bad for the real riders that own Harley's and respect other riders. They are outnumbered by posers, at least here in Florida. It is so bad that my Harley buddy won't even wear Harley gear, he doesn't want to be mistaken for the sheep.

I have nothing against Harley, just a certain segment of the herd.
I would use the Honda M/C pre mixed coolant. Any Honda dealer has it and it's a non silica coolant. Should work just fine in our bikes. Man who brought this old thread back to life?
Mule skinner ,I had the same problem with my bike ,I just had the first oil change ($328.00) ouch! And the bike had a friggin anti-freeze leak. Called the dealer and got the run around and they needed the bike for week or so. Bull**** took it apart and tightened every loose clamp on the bike as a matter a fact I tightened every nut,bolt,screw and clamp.never had another problem. I too don't like people touching my bike. The answer to your question was "TOMBSTONE" .............sandman

No,,,,"and Hell followed with him" is from Pale Rider.