Here we go. Let's not degrade this thread into a Harley bashing one.
I still own a 2005 RK Custom.
20,000 trouble free miles. It was my first Harley after I retired. It's now my wifes' bike. I sold my trouble free, performance modified 107CI 07 Street Glide to buy the R3T. Like you I wanted to be different. I'm not a "Follower." But,,,the newer Harleys are just fine. They don't leak oil like the old ones. They run fine. The paint, chrome, powder coating and fit and finish are very, very high quality. The Harley of today
IS NOT the Harley of yesterday! Most people who bash them can't afford them. And so it goes. Anyway,,,,my Rocket is now fixed, washed and full of fuel. Ready to ride!
It's in the high 60's and clear,,,,no wind here. I rode to breakfast this morning.