Radiator leaking new bike

Just that any "Man Made Machine" is not infallible. Billions were spent on each space shuttle and with all that is put into them there are problems. I had never heard of one springing a leak where yours did and that sucks in the fact that you live that far from the dealer. I am blessed by living close enough that if I got really pissed I could probably push mine half way to the dealer. The infamous paint can rattle or transmission failure are due to poorly designed components. The radiator is one of those things that got through, perhaps stressed at that point from transit aboard a ship laden with cargo thrashing about on the high seas. TRUST ME, if its a warranty repair, let the shop do it. The folks in Georgia are like buzzards sitting on a roost waiting for someone to do their own repair and then they can negate the rest of the warranty. Hang in there, the Rocket gets better. I take off on mine and never think about breaking or where a dealer might be. My dislike of the HD brand is more from those that straddle them. In Maggie last October, there were quite a few at the motel and there were as many trailers behind the motel carrying said bikes. I rode in that first day in the rain, thanks Jay, and there were about 8 of "them" under the canopy. Sun out the next day and so were they. They still looked at me like I was a second class citizen......................twits.

The Outlaw Josey Wales is the answer.
About a month ago I noticed coolant leaking only while riding. When I would stop and park I could not find the leak. It seemed that the coolant was leaking only when the thermostat opened. I asked Warp9.9 about using a stop leak for this and he told me to check all my hoses and the rad cap but never use stop leak. I did this and found that only the top hose clamp was loose but after tightening it I still had a leak. It looked like it was coming from the radiator itself. I kept checking hoses and the cap then one day it just stopped leaking I haven't had a problem since.

one weeks worth of leaking

100 miles of riding after cleaning the first splatters.

No leaks now.
I had the same leak on that hose on my Rocket @30,000 miles.Tightened the hose.re-sprayed the block with black engine paint and all was well.At 40,000 mile check-up,I had my dealer install 4 hoses($78) and replaced them all for my peace of mind..so far so good.Not unusual for hoses to vibrate loose...we are riding motorcycles!!!
WOW! What year is your bike? Why the engine problems?

2007 bike...wouldn't stay in first or second gear when applying throttle. Had two update kits installed...the first by an incompetent dealer/mechanic that ripped me off for service hours by not installing all the updates but charging the full hours for the complete job. On the ride home the bike was exactly as it was before the service...wouldn't stay in first gear at all. Not really sure they did anything. Triumph corporate wouldn't even talk to me to address the problem or offer any solution to the problem. Paid for the second update kit completely out of pocket.

$3600 and bike was in shops for a total of 21 weeks (during riding season).