Radiator leak

*bodge epoxy fix not fox!
Mouth,Try Sandy at Triumphant in wales for a Radiator,he breaks Rockets.
I don't know where in the UK you are, in Hull there's a really good radiator reconditioning company. They'll repair and pressure test any radiator and it's not expensive, certainly cheaper than a new rad. I've used them a few times for car radiators and have been impressed each time at the quality and price. It comes back looking new. They may do postal service, if not you could post to me, I'll get it fixed and post it back if that helps. It's likely there's one near you. I'm not infer the impression it's a rare outfit. No idea what they're called but if you want me to find out let me know.
Thanks, I actually took the rad off and took it to the radiator specialist local to me in Nottingham before I bodge repaired it. They had it for a week and then said there isn’t a leak, I asked them to test again because there was. Second test up to heat and pressure and they claim there wasn’t a leak, when I collected it they said if I put it back in and there is a leak to bring it back again! But seeing as coolant isn’t cheap I bodged instead....I think now it’s beyond economical repair since I’ve bodged epoxy into the area it leaked from but thanks for the advice baloo

I had a similar wet patch, and it turned out to be a pin hole in a hose which sprayed onto the radiator... plus while its off id change the hoses as well.
This is definitely from the rad itself and the leak has gotten worse. Two questions:

1) I used epoxy glue to repair the first time and it worked for a a few months but was difficult to apply/get all the way through the fins of the rad. How ridiculous/sensible would it be to use silicone sealer? It has a very high temperature resistance and some can be applied in damp conditions. Just a final saying radiator thought

2) The used parts guy in Wales didn't have any and said they are rare as gold as a used part, he even purchased a used one from the USA himself a few months back. I have found a copy part on eBay "made in China" and wondering if anyone has had experience of these? They are a tempting price at £225 delivered but obviously not sure about the quality, I have experience of Chinese parts and my gut says these would likely be OK, since they are a handmade not mass produced product. Mass production Chinese stuff in my experience tends to be flimsy.
I seen that radiator on fleebay but did not mark it can you put a link up.