Radiator Coolant

OAT requirement is bollocks. You don’t NEED OAT but it’s acceptable, I done a ton of reading into this topic.

The PEAK silicate free EG is fine Sonny.

To go further, OAT is the **** devil. Most of the horror stories about don't mix coolants of you end up with gel in your system etc can be traced back to OAT, specifically a certain brand using it.

The Triumph branded coolant won't turn into muck.
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@Claviger Rob turned me onto some stuff that is working great so far!
I can't 'member the name . . . help me out here, Rob?

+ pure water.

Works great as long as you keep the bike over freezing temp at ALL times. The 15% suggestion is based on freezing temps because they need to protect themselves against stupidity.

Suggest we swap out when you get back from your trip just to make sure a super cold snap this winter doesn't cost you an engine. I'll be swapping out soon as well.

I'm running the same in my engine, temps stayed steady at 92c on the dyno yesterday, through 76 miles worth of dyno time.
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So Rob, my son . . .
Recent pix of your garage reveal it to be looking rather empty and devoid of projects?!?!?
Perhaps ponder an opportunity to earn more $$$ to toss at your monster by installing a Carp 210 kit on Kong this winter???
Works great as long as you keep the bike over freezing temp at ALL times. The 15% suggestion is based on freezing temps because they need to protect themselves against stupidity.
Well yes - though the radiator relief /water wetter stuff can enhance by reducing surface tension - So that it resists bubbles forming on rough bits (or crud) inside.

I my youth - saw lots of issues with cars where folk forgot that freezing happens even if you are not using it - more-so really.

And whilst NOT something I would use on an R3 - there is always the EVANS system if you expect HUGE temp variations.
It appears Cam will be needing coolant for his, formally my Touring. It's been leaking since I got it back from the dealership and we can't find the darn leak. He's leaning towards just changing out the hoses with the Samcos that I bought and be done with the problem. Radiator leak checkers are expensive and neither of us has one