That is some funny stuff Dave. Explains that picture Fred took.

Lupe you will always be a good guy. You have diesel in your blood.... I mean goodness.
if you don't mind I care to forget that picture and you are not helping kind of like lupe and the diesel in the Harley (although I will and do back up about lupe being one of the best stand up person I have ever met)
if you don't mind I care to forget that picture and you are not helping kind of like lupe and the diesel in the Harley (although I will and do back up about lupe being one of the best stand up person I have ever met)
Thanks David, i really appreciate your words toward my person b ut i'm just one more of the bunch who happens to have a lot of friends just as crazy as me, that will ride 4 or 5000 miles just to meet everybody and have a good laugh, eat lunch and share funny crazy stories outside a cheap motel somewhere in this great country, you guys rock, all of you!!
That is some funny stuff Dave. Explains that picture Fred took.
mmm me thinks Steve won't talk to me no more for sure now

Lupe you will always be a good guy. You have diesel in your blood.... I mean goodness.
No Truer Words Spoken
if you don't mind I care to forget that picture and you are not helping kind of like lupe and the diesel in the Harley (although I will and do back up about lupe being one of the best stand up person I have ever met)
Hey where is this picture did I miss it, and I second Lupe as one Hell of a Stand Up Guy proud to call him one of my many Good Friends I have in the States
Glad It all ended well and you guys had such great RAAXI, I truly miss All of you Crazy Americans, Your All Top Blokes

Kudos to you, Vin Diesel for coming clean!
NO DAMAGE WAS DONE - Loopy simply sucked - siphoned the diesel out into a 5 gal bucket.
I rode it down a few blocks to thew station I had referred to and filled it up with hi-test.
My screw-up was that Loopy still had the fob and the Heritage would no re-start.
I had to bum a ride back from a copper that was at the station on other business to get the fob.
@breeze was very kind to give me a ride back to the station where all was good and a happy ending.
The ONLY motor affected and no real issues (other than an hour delay) were encountered.


$hit O'Dear!!!
Another fat crack at my expense!