Bob, bikers were the on ly ones helping, cagers were more worried about getting across, Paul had to get ugly with some of them in order to make them understand that a man dying on the pavment was more important than their urgency to see old faitful!
Big thanks to Steve for all his efforts. His brother Dan gave me the best laugh of the trip, for some reason I thought they were brothers in law, I asked Dan if he married Steve's sister or if Steve married his sister, he said, well, either one would be pretty creepy, cuz we are brothers, LOL.
When I started my 80 pound weight loss 2 years ago, I can without a doubt say that the very biggest reason that I finally "flipped the switch" is because a friend of mine (ok, some friends, but mainly this one) continually Cracked Smack at me about my "plus sized figure" for at least a year........... I do believe @skydog1000 - YOU are "that friend" to 1oldbull