RAA West-cursing the Texas Heat

A 120 pound gal ate two of the steaks in one sitting in under 20 minutes. I watched a guy do it when I was there. That's a LOT of food.
A 120 pound gal ate two of the steaks in one sitting in under 20 minutes.
Reminds me of an outing some years ago. A guy I worked with was an Olympic Shot Putter - his girlfriend a very petite lady. They both ordered 36 oz'ers. He got about halfway through and hit the wall - she finished hers and then finished his too. Personally I get bored after about 8oz. Well except sausages of course - but that's natural.
To avoid Dallas you gotta go way outa the way & that’s takes just as much time. I’ve tried it both ways

Still worth avoiding even if it's hours longer, I lived there in the late 70s, borrowed a friend's bike to ride to work, as it was faster than driving. I moved there a week into a heat wave where it went over 100 25 days in a row, record at the time. From Buffalo, lol, rude awakening.

If I owned Hell and Texas, I'd live in Hell and rent out Texas- Mark Twain
There is an Ex Vic dealer in Dallas that is fairly well known.

Strokers of Dallas. Rick Fairless.
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@Tripps...great quote...altho I do love me some Texas...been many times and if I wasn’t living here I’d sure be living there!