For those interested in a PDF of all the Google Maps addresses day by day, let me know.
Please PM me your email and I shall be happy to send it to you. (unable to attach a PDF here)

DAY 3b Mexican Hat to Moke Dugway is a short ride. It would follow our arrival at the San Juan Inn in Mexican Hat. The Moke Dugway is just 3 miles long. It is a well maintained dirt road with spectacular views! For those hardy riders interested, this is just a 27 mile round trip from our hotel. Only 6 miles of this are on dirt. Tis just 11 miles from our hotel to the base of the Moke. Any that are unsure have the option of waiting at the base for the rest to ascend and come back down (about 30 minutes), or just return the 11 miles back to the hotel.

DAY 4 to Moab and the Arches National Park is a single route of 148 miles each way

DAY 6 Panguitch to Zion is 109 miles (scenic route) and 93 miles (direct route) back to our hotel.

DAY 7 (8) Tis 528 miles back to Dave's pad in Bloomfield, NM. Some will likely do it all in one day, some will take a leisurely ride of 2 days.

Questions and/or comments are welcome!
Okay, I posted on the wrong site, so need to do this all over again. I talked to the assistant manager at the Best Western in Bloomfield today, Emily Castillo. The best price they could give is $75.00 plus tax. Regular rate is $105.00 plus tax. You can pick either a single King or a Double queen. Like the Super 8, if two people split a room, you'll come out better. This Best Western is EXTREMLY nice, has a pool inside and a hot breakfast. You can google it to see photos of the rooms and exterior. Their number is (505) 632-9100 if you want to reserve here.

From the other day, the Super 8 has a local number of (505) 333-4310 IF YOU WANT TO reserve there.

Farmington has tons of motels if you decide you want to do something different. David & I only checked on the Bloomfield motels as I thought maybe everyone would like to stay close to the group. Our home from the two listed motels is only about a 5 minute ride.

David & I will also probably host a bar-b-que on Friday night. Will give me a chance to meet a lot of you that he's rode with!

Any questions, feel free to ask away. Thanks! Karen
Hello Karen, im sold withj the BBQ see you there

We will buy all the meat & stuff when I get there.
We also have a master BBQ Chef Mad Dog and his 2 sous chef sons.
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