Friday the 11th I'll already be in Bloomfield

OK Ill wait and see if I can get in your draft. Let me know if you need the MKX or XL to pull. Ill try to get to Bloomfield with the pack. Perhaps earlier as usual and get a day an extra day of short ride and rest in.

I'm in unless my aging body stops me.
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I am planning on leaving Houston early on the 9th. If we ride, we'll spend the night somewhere along the way. If we trailer we'll do the distance in one day, grab a hotel Wed night then migrate over to Dave's Thursday morning. Ride Thursday and Friday waiting for people to show up.

I may even leave the afternoon of the 8th after work. July/Aug I will firm up the details. But the plan is to be there no later than mid day Thursday

Goodun, Amigo!
I am aware that you guys with ladies do not get the advantage of splitting the room cost.
But, you do get to stay warm in bed!

Yes that is true. But remember the cheapest thing on a Rocket is the rider. Are there any lower cost options in the towns planned for the overnights ?