Raa vii

Have already noticed that there's an Hour and 15 min. more sunshine in the new afternoon that is so nice supposed to be in the upper 60s here this week with rain of course the better half has bought me a tank bra, now I have a little pocket to put MP3 player and odds and ends hope to maybe get in a little riding time this week knock on wood or my head have to flip a coin to see which ones the hardest
riden weather

Got out for a nice long cool ride up here in Centeral Ohio yesterday. Put in around 200 mi. Found out that I need to adjust the new Cruise Control alittle. Felt good to get out!
Please Read Entire Message

OK time to get this party started ... this is shaping up to be the largest RAA ever and I need everyone attending to provide me some basic information to make my life more simple so I can maximize my drinking time . Please post or send via PM and do not cut corners I know alot of you but please don't assume I can read your mind.

See example below.

Captain's Name
: Steve Cowherd
Handle : scowherd
city/state : Simpsonville, Kentucky
Best way to contact : scowherd@me.com
Number In Party: 2
Number of Bikes: 2

Number eating at Friday nights cookout :
2 (fish fry will collect donations to cover cost)
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 2 (Cost will be approx 15.00 a head pay in advance Menu to come)
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 2 (Burger and Brats - will collect donations to cover cost)

I will also need volunteers for the following : Please include what you are interested in and what days;

1) Ride Captains
2) Food Preparation
3) Door Prizes Donations
4) Door Prize Coordination
5) Beverage Coordinator (Beer *****) make Booze Runs and keep ice on the group stash.
6) Treasurer - Collect manage donation for food and beer
Captain's Name : James Epley
Handle : tdragger
city/state : Fredericksburg, VA
Best way to contact : txdiver@verizon.net
Number In Party: 6
Number of Bikes: 4

Number eating at Friday nights cookout : 6 (fish fry will collect donations to cover cost)
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 6 (Cost will be approx 15.00 a head pay in advance Menu to come)
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 6 (Burger and Brats - will collect donations to cover cost)

Ride Captain - Saturday (Wayah Rd/Waterfalls Route) and Sunday (Foothills Pkwy/Dragon/Tapoco Route)

We also need to discuss Sunday lunch plans at Tapoco Lodge if you are still interested.
Captain's Name : Dave Danielson
Handle : boogerdave
city/state : Holt Florida
Best way to contact : dave@kalega.com
Number In Party: 6
Number of Bikes: 3

Number eating at Friday nights cookout :
6 (fish fry will collect donations to cover cost)
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 6 (Cost will be approx 15.00 a head pay in advance Menu to come)
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 6 (Burger and Brats - will collect donations to cover cost)

I'll be donating door prizes
Captain's Name : Johnathan Duke
Handle : jduke1980
city/state : Locust Grove, GA
Best way to contact : jduke1980@gmail.com
Number In Party: 2
Number of Bikes: 2

Number eating at Friday nights cookout : 2
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 2
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 2
ya let the party begin

Captain's Name : Anthony Sperrazza
Handle : 64herald
city/state : Selden,NY
Best way to contact : 64herald@optonline.net
Number In Party: 3
Number of Bikes: 3

Number eating at Friday nights cookout : 3
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 3
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 3

I volunteer for anything you need me for except ride capt. I can cook/eat/count (to 20 if I take my shoes off)/organize/ am very good at security/Door prizes are my forta
I have soem door prizes also
Captain name: Nolton J. LeJune
Handle: Nolton
city/state: Florien, La.
best way to contact: nolton155@gmail.com
Number in party: 1
Number of bikes: 1
Eating Friday: 1
Eating Saturday: 1
Eating Sunday: 0

Volunteer for food prep, door prize donations and any form of beverage help

I plan to head that way on the 16th on I-20 and do an overnight north of Birmingham then arrive in MV on the 17th.
16 hours iron-butt? No. Been there done that