RAA Texas Headcount

Get your plane ticket to San Antonio and we will pick you up. R3Tex brought two bikes.

Get your plane ticket to San Antonio and we will pick you up. R3Tex brought two bikes.

Damm, Nolton! This pix makes me want to jump a plane outta Sea-Tac for San Antonio, cast and all, just to drizzle some of the succulent from one of those mason jars over my lips, across my taste buds, down my gullet and into my blood stream - OH YEAH!!!!

I hope you guys have a fine Texan Blast down there. Wish I could be there to meet ya'all.
PS: Can't believe the correct spelling of the word dam as an expletive is censored!!!
Come on !!!!

If not for the $2K+ expense of flying wife down to CA to get my crashed ass and then us home and the transport of my motor back home -
I would give it a shot. On second thought, sitting around drinking whilst youse all go riding would SUCK.
Have a blast all and raise one for me round the campfire.