RAA Texas Headcount

wish me and stb could make it but we cant so hope uall have fun and be safe and maybe no rain this time for uall
We have been seeing each other for 3 years. I was headed to College Station in June to pop the question when I went down hard in Colorado, totaled the 05. Guess she felt sorry for me when I got down there, anyway she said yes. I have a 73 year old Uncle in failing health, I am all he has left. He lives in Milton Fl. so for him we are going to have a simple Pensacola beach ceremony.
Perhaps if time permits I would like to meet you Florida Panhandle fellows maybe an adult beverage or a cup of coffee.
In Leaky by noon? **** you're getting up early...or riding real fast...or both.

Wish Steve and I could be there with y'all ... Due to health issues we haven't ridden since the last RAA Hoping to get back on the bikes soon and get some riding in before the weather turns cold. Have a blast y'all and can't wait to see the pictures!
In Leaky by noon? **** you're getting up early...or riding real fast...or both.


Shouldn't be a problem...its a little less than 4 hours from my house. Kickstands up by 8, pi$$ break at Buckees in Luling and still land in Leaky around noonish. Plenty of time to unload crap and still ride in the pm
Katie, you know it won't be a complete RAA without you two, will see you at the next one!!
**** Half way thru a mason jar and wishing I was on the road headed to Texas!!!! Thought about flying to houston and buying a Sprint but I have my eye on a Roadster. I am thinking I should have a NA bike to go along with the Falcon. I would love to build a Classic Roadster