RAA Texas Headcount


Living Legend
Dec 4, 2012
Houston, TX
'13 Rocket III Roadster
Ok kids, the time has come...I need to know who is coming. This has nothing to do with reservations or where you are gonna sleep. I need to know who is coming so I can make sure we all get fed. So...Tell me everyone that will be in your party...spouse, friends, kids, girlfriends, gay lovers...whatever trips your trigger...if they are gonna eat I need to know. I would prefer that you responded like this...

R3Tex + 3

That means I will be there (R3Tex) and I will have three people with me (don't ask). Ideally I would like to have a reasonably accurate headcount in the next week or so

Current head count: 24

R3Tex + 5
Steel + 2
Mexican + 1
Stripes +1
Hellraiser +1
NM Rocket +2
Oscar +1
Rocket Scientist +1
TexCav +1
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I have sent an email to Bill with the snowmocycle and should know if he can make the trip in a couple days. Lupe has seen the snowmocycle
I really really wanna go, and I stlll got reservations, but my life just became a **** storm... So I dont know yet......
Mexican+ 1
(my wife will kick my arse if i leave without her)

Cm on Jim, i'm only going because you are going!!!
I really really wanna go, and I stlll got reservations, but my life just became a **** storm... So I dont know yet......

Sorry to hear this and hope things are still OK for our hook up next week, Amigo.
I be working frantically in order to get outta here on Monday and shall contact you as to my progress as I get closer.