RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

I was told I needed both 11 or 12 years ago, was all set todo it when Iretired, but then found that not working on them 40 hours a week made a huge difference, I can live with them a bit longer, but pretty soon I'll have to.

Ditto . . .
Was scheduled to have the surgery done quite a few years ago but backed out when an old friend told me his older sister died as a result of the infection. Sepsis.
Mike, once you have had the surgery life will be different. You do not have the originals and you have to get used to the new ones which are different. You will experience changes in kneeling down. It becomes ....I was going to say awkward, but that is not the right description. Because the false joint is just that, kneeling on it is not as comfy as the 'original'.
Swimming was the best therapy I found for getting the whole lot moving again. Soooo much easier than marching up and down the stairs etc..
First replacement was in 2015 - it was completely misaligned and had the same joint replaced for a second time 5 weeks later. this is rare so don't let this put you off. Here in the Uk, it is expected for the recovery time to be approx. 6 weeks! That was pretty accurate.
I'm going for the second one in January it's just life and having one done and experiencing the benefits, going to go for the second one.
Don't expect everything to be as normal - once the operation is done you are not the same - metal joints - you need to adjust! Good luck

Thanks so much. I guess I thought they'd eventually feel the same. It's interesting kneeling down. I have friends who cannot post surgery and those who can. I'm hoping I can but won't know that one for a long time.
Been fighting bronchitis / Walking Pneumonia long enough to go through 3 full rounds of antibiotics, long story short was send for chest Xray and they say I have an enlarged heart so blah, blah, blah nuclear stress test this week 2 days in a row (Wednesday / Thursday) they say possible electrical issue at 90% max heart rate. So prayers, positive vibes, someone to take me to Hooters afterwards would be appreciated. Hopefully trip is still a go for me but will know by weeks end.

I'm pretty tough, but that there would shake my foundation!!!
I'm wishing you the very best fortune as you travel through this scary ordeal, Amigo!!!

Prayers incoming.....