RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

Air Force Museum in Dayton Ohio is possibly the best museum or trip I ever took. Went with Guzzi Dan to humor hm, I didn't expect much, but we spent the whole day and never saw the NASA side, I'd go back in a minute.
Air Force Museum in Dayton Ohio is possibly the best museum or trip I ever took. Went with Guzzi Dan to humor hm, I didn't expect much, but we spent the whole day and never saw the NASA side, I'd go back in a minute.

I agree. That one is the absolute Cadillac of air museums. Our daughter visited it but I have not.
The place I’m talking about in Perry Fl is an overhaul shop, not a museum. Went there in circa 92. Unbelievable amount of equipment, parts, ect they had. Idk if they are still there though
The place I’m talking about in Perry Fl is an overhaul shop, not a museum. Went there in circa 92. Unbelievable amount of equipment, parts, ect they had. Idk if they are still there though

There used to be one in southern California. A retired friend of mine, now living in Hawaii, spent a summer there taking parts off of old engines to rebuild good ones. It might have been at a Pratt & Whitney plant but just can't recall.

The Beaver's also have radials.

I used to work for a Pratt & Whitney engine overhaul business here in Tyler - I rebuilt R-1340's & R-985's - D@mn I miss those days