RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

We were out on rt7, and stopped @ a lookout & ran into a group of 4 hoodlums on BMW gs's....this one said he's related to someone that hangs out here....calling Uncle Jerry....will you claim him???
Damm...small world....30 miles sw of Harrison, Ar.
@Justdad. Amazing. That looks like John.
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Dang, I wish the wife and me could have made it, haven't had time to do much,
as we're in the middle of getting a new roof from the tornado
that took out about a third of our small town.
My apologies to you Kevin for not showing up to bring you the red '05.
It's still sitting where it's been, the tornado took the carport it was under, but left both bikes intact.
ill be coming to you skip, thanks for holding for me