RAA East 2020 West Virginia

I used to love Redbuds ... they gave you such a good high.... Oh I'm sorry wrong redbuds.
I am more optimistic about my trip to WV looks like the health insurance situation for the rest of this year may get ironed out. Also the extra $600 a week unemployment combined with all the bars being closed is almost putting me money ahead. I may have to cut the trip a little short but that's not the end of the world. Thank you for thinking of us old codgers SWB it warmed my heart.

Come to RAA West in September, Mike!
Ladies and gents:

Dr Fauci spoke at the daily briefing this week where the Administration unveiled the new "Three Phase" opening guidelines, where he said, "Even when we are able to progress through the phases, we will not be out of the woods. This virus is going to be with us for a long time, and until there is an effective vaccine, our behavior must take that into account."

The other part of this, was the Adminstration's acknowledgement that the virus infection is uneven, and states would have to administer virus response according to their local conditions.

I would suggest, when thinking about the RAA event, what does it mean, assuming nothing has changed ?

There will be no vaccine by then, and widespread testing, while in the works, is unlikely to have made it to West Virginia by then.

I was in a motorcycle dealer yesterday, picking up some parts. My wife insisted I have a mask, and it was clear, the dealership was fairly busy, and I was the only one with a mask - clear that they were not taking the existence of the virus seriously -- it hadn't yet affected them, so they pretend it's not there.

As we've seen with the shutdown of this factory, and that factory, where a "typhoid John" who felt fine but was infected, and spreading the virus among tightly integrated workers, so the next thing they knew, 100 people were coughing and hacking and 600 tested positive - this virus is insidious.

The risk we run, is that we all feel good, we all come together, we all enjoy each other's company for a week or so, and we all return home thinking we've dodged a bullet. And then folks start reporting symptoms, and some are hospitalized. Remember, this is one of the most infectious agents to come along in a long time.

I suggest, we're going to need, to pull this off successfully -- meaning everyone had a good time and everyone went home having truly dodged the bullet -- there will need to be a set of "RAA Social Rules", based on the CDC guidelines. Everyone will need to have a mask, and everyone will need to pack soap and hand sanitizer. And there should be strict social distancing which probably means being mostly outside. And so on. Also remember, the mask doesn't protect the wearer, so much -- it is really to slow down the virus spread if present in the wearer.

This discussion is a reflection of a new, hopefully temporary, normal. 'Temporary' in this case could be through New Years 2021.
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