RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Hello Everyone
I just talked to Four Seasons Lodge. They said that we have bought out the entire place except the 2 Apartments. FANTASTIC.
Okay to the point. What should we do with the ride? You can not eat in anywhere. Only take out. There are restrictions on the amount of people in different places. We have until May to decide what to do. I am thinking canceling until June of 2021. Same week. I asked if we can all change our reservation to then (year 2020 dates 7-14 of June. To 2021 dates 6 - 13 of June) I was given a ABSOLUTELY. I think we should switch. What do I hear from all of you on this. I am bit nervous because I am VERY PRONE to Sinus Infections. Since my Sinuse surgery. I get infections from mowing my lawn some times. And this is a sinus infection. But I will do with what you all think. And remember we do have people in their 60 and older riding with us & some with health issues.
So PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Or I will just cancel it until next year to be safe.
This was from Mike,Anthony's brother.Yall make up your minds
I think its to early to make a decision. Sure right now nothing is open but drive thru. And now you're starting to hear a gradual unlocking of states. So if they unlocked some of them places might need some revenue to stay afloat. Not the one group renting the whole motel means it would stay open. But surely canceling a weeks worth of income from us to the area (lord help them if the other groups after us back out) I'm sure no one wants to get sick, or end up in jail with a awnry Polock and a stubborn Scots man I want to see you all, so I am willing to wait just because of that !!!!! Maybe we need a motocycle stimulus package next Hopefully Pelosi doesn't ride
First off Wendy, thanks for all you and Jay do to pull these things off in the first place.

I think that we should wait as long as reasonably possible before calling it. I really believe that the situation has a chance changing in the next few weeks. Kinda nice having something to look forward to.

That being said: @warp9.9 if we hit the joint,I ain't celling with you, Dave or Steel
I know I'll be out. The my Army son was scheduled to ahve pretty serious operation on his shoulder to take place at the end of March. Now it's been pushed off to late May which means he'll be hard down and won't be able to so much as pick me up at the airport so that I take his Rocket to ride to the event. My daughter has been told she probably won't be able to see her patients at the Air Force Academy Hospital until possibly June.