RAA East 2020 West Virginia

For me it's about the people, I can ride any time. If by chance I don't get the Sprint running, Karen and I are still going to come for the party.
Same with me.I live in God's country so the riding is fantastic.Its all about the friends.Family reunion.Dysfunctional family but still family.

That's me Dave, medical reasons. I just don't have the physical capacity to ride cross country anymore so I don't mind trailering or hauling one of my bikes in the back of a pickup. I'll be taking a bike in my truck to Mesa in about a month. I want to ride Arizona but I don't ride to Arizona anymore. The last time I rode home from there it was a disaster with the worst weather I've ever encountered from high winds, that closed I-10 and I-40, to driving rain and hail and a destroyed rear tire 60 miles from home. No fun.
What the heck? I leave you kids alone for a month or so and somebody starts a peeing contest that's got Harry threatening to shut the thread down??????

On a different note, to all my friends in the southeast who are enjoying the warm start to winter. Spent a bunch of time and money about 23 days ago putting new pass through gaskets, injector harnesses, glow plugs and a fuel heater on my Powerstroke so it would start better in cold weather............ Yer welcome

@GPMAZ going to go visit your old Rocket while up there in WV Harry, might try to buy it if it's not being enjoyed enough. In which case it will be a good thing that I have my trailer so I can bring it home

Give her a hug for me Bill. She served me well and hope she'll do so for many years to come.
Give her a hug for me Bill. She served me well and hope she'll do so for many years to come.

Will post some pics at the least Harry. Going to try to get David to bring her out and ride with us since he is less than 40 miles from there. I think his grand plan about 'retiring ' and being a 'farmer' turned out to be mutually exclusive concepts however.