RAA few years back in Leakey I trailered mine,WHY you ask? 2weeks of work in snyder texas 12 hours on 12hours off, 8 to 10 hours ride home makes the last day working a 24 hour+day.Less than 12 hours at home office called you have well control class in morning 4 days worth then test ,screwed up my day of leaving now I"m 2 days behind and have"nt even left yet.8 hours class then test load up trailer on the way 2 hour nap 11 hours +/-driving I"m finally ready to ride pulling into town and see bunch of rockets leaving for days ride if I did not trailer I would not have been there (not that anyone would have cared)but.If you got time to ride there and back I"m glad for you BUT,some of us dont and still need to get our THREPY in some where else than home