RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Sonny if you had any experience in organizing an event like our RAA's then you would know if done correctly trailers play a very important part in the event, from being able to bring tools, spare parts, coffee pots, beer etc and most importantly if a rider happens to go down(which happened quite a few years ago) we have a backup vehicle and trailer to help them out.
So please do not piss too many off or you might be left on the side of the road in your minute of need
Many use a trailer due to medical reasons, weather, bringing wives and so on, I do not own a trailer but my good friend kindly lets me borrow it for RAA events and I bring tools, air compressor, spare brake pads, throttle and clutch cable plus more.
As for looking down at those with trailers, well plenty of them will line up beside you and open the throttle up and I for one do not go for the scenery I go for the twisties ride safe my friend and hopefully see you in WV
Hey, I love my trailer. About to detail it for the next trip. Needs new tyres. Getting car tyres for that too . Whatever allows me to reach further in this achy body I like. I can travel 12 to 15 hours @ 70 to 80 in the Lincoln pulling the R3. Perhaps I could do one 8 hour day on the Rocket and have to rest a whole day the next day, soooo, the trailer is my friend. Plus I can be of assistance to a stranded biker if I were to encounter one. Plus I can carry all sort of goodies and safety extras and other stuff, no problem.

I like Fred's trailer much better than mine. They were out of my price reach when I was buying and it is too tall for my garage.

I can understand all that. If i am left on the side of the road as a rocket rider and a fellow rocket rider passed me up either riding or in a cage i would have second thoughts on the character of that individual. One thing that i have notice the folks who ride don't commit much those that trailer are all over it.
Is there really a master of masturbates? Is it elite status?? The blue stripe is off after 20 miles or so.

Do they do Might Mouse re-runs? There is enough material to have a cartoon channel starting in the late 50s when TV started to play them. Run stupid adds only between episodes. This add saturation has gone too far. I just turn the TV off and go listen to old CDs and vinyl.
RAA few years back in Leakey I trailered mine,WHY you ask? 2weeks of work in snyder texas 12 hours on 12hours off, 8 to 10 hours ride home makes the last day working a 24 hour+day.Less than 12 hours at home office called you have well control class in morning 4 days worth then test ,screwed up my day of leaving now I"m 2 days behind and have"nt even left yet.8 hours class then test load up trailer on the way 2 hour nap 11 hours +/-driving I"m finally ready to ride pulling into town and see bunch of rockets leaving for days ride if I did not trailer I would not have been there (not that anyone would have cared)but.If you got time to ride there and back I"m glad for you BUT,some of us dont and still need to get our THREPY in some where else than home

You'd be surprised how many would care. You are one of the most "real" people I've ever met.
I always thought it was "manly", or whatever you want to call it, not to trailer, but 3 days of interstates under construction and 3 days back kind of aint my idea of a vacation. I realized for Spearfish we could get there in 24 hours with two guys driving, it was great, we did 4000 miles on the bikes im less than two weeks, trailering there was the best move I ever made.
And if I want to bring my wife, it's a must, health issues make her unable to ride cross country, so to each his own.
Add this to your reading list, Sonny.