RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Yes it is and I'm sweating having to run through St.Louis. May delay my arrival by a day so I can slip through on Sunday instead of Saturday.

No problem with the right attire and luggage illusion.

1. Joe Rocket full suit.
2. Matching gauntlet gloves.
3. Balaclava.
4. Full face helmet with Tinted shield.
5. Samsung Flat panel TV boxes covering your gear.

Ride it like you stole it and the TV's!!!
How did you know what I was going to wear? That's spooky!
How did you know what I was going to wear? That's spooky!

Ha Ha. I was shopping in case I had to go into the City of Rochester here.

Be safe, ride fast, don't stop and don't do a one-finger wave to any looters (aka stealers, robbers and thieves!).

PS. IMHO the term looting implies they are somehow justified in their actions with the ilk of Jesse James or Robin Hood (I guess they are Robbing for their Hood though)
or succumbed to peer pressure and would never commit a crime on their own.