RAA 9 June 2014 Ouray, Colorado Week ?

Which week in June 2014 do you prefer ?

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It is the 23rd not the 25th of June - a Monday.
Not to worry Mully at least you tried to work thru it. I got to give you points for that. I have had a couple ruff spots in the last 31 years with my wife but worked thru it. Not sure if that was smart or not but fortunatley I ride to fast for her to enjoy long trips Hopefully Paul and I will enjoy the ride there and back as it will be a long one 1200 miles for me and 1800 mile for Paul. I might have to make this more then one days ride

Sure makes me appreciate the distance some of you traveld to make it to Maggie Valley. Hope it turns out to be as nice as the south is.

Looks like a long flat ride with a lot of miles On interstate 80 I will have to head north to meet up with Paul but hey that takes us right by Baxter's in Iowa.
ok reckon u have to click on the quote to read what i wrote
Bull been doing some map work myself and tend to agree with you. Looks like the rides out of Ouray will be long and limited. I will send you guys some ideas after I fine tune the two different ideas!
Merry Christmas brother hang in there and we will be sure to keep you up to speed!


I will make sure that you know the plans. If you need a cyclist to vent with we will arrange that too buddy.

Ah my friend Nolton..... you know just what I need don't you? lol

I have recently found myself single again, and am having the best time of my life.

Once I get over the hump of "the relationship is over" I should be feeling the same as you.

Mully I thought you were riding with us!! **** women!! Ya can't trust them! LMAO
Keep a check on the weather and if it's decent New Year's Day we can meet somewhere and ride a bit

I was scared I was going to have to tell you I wasnt going to make it but the higher powers above I guess is wanting me to go after all. lol

That ride would be nice!