RAA 9 June 2014 Ouray, Colorado Week ?

Which week in June 2014 do you prefer ?

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Well guys and gal I think I will be going to CO after all. My ex-wife and I got back together back in September and with me trying to help her get back on her feet (long story) I thought the finances wouldn't allow the trip to CO happen for me. However last week she packed her stuff and moved out. We was both miserable (long story). So with just me and my dog I hope to be able to afford to still go by the time this event rolls around IF the economy doesn't kill me at work.

I have always learned lessons the hard way and have never figured out why I have to let that happen. I guess my thick skull and small brain doesn't help matters any.

Anyways back to living again since I've gotten my wings back. I should never let a woman get between what I enjoy the most which is hanging and riding with my great friends. Heck I wish it was good riding weather as well as not so close to Christmas so I could get out of here and get things off my mind. I havent been to serene lately if you know what I mean. It is amazing the thoughts that goes through a mans head when he is heart broke, mad, tired, and depressed. I seem to never have these thoughts when I'm riding my bike and living life without controversy. lol

I'll keep a watch on this thread so I will know when to pack my stuff. If ya'll see that I might be missing out on the vital information about this trip will one of you please call, text, or PM me ........ THANKS!

Happy Holidays to all my great friends on here.
Merry Christmas brother hang in there and we will be sure to keep you up to speed!

I will make sure that you know the plans. If you need a cyclist to vent with we will arrange that too buddy.
Mully I thought you were riding with us!! **** women!! Ya can't trust them! LMAO
Keep a check on the weather and if it's decent New Year's Day we can meet somewhere and ride a bit
How about Grand Junction? Could do Moab as one of the day rides and be set up for the Mesa ride and for a 141/145 to Telluride and the million $ run.
A larger town would mean we at least get accommodations near each other if not in one place.
Dates are June 23 thru 27. I figure to arrive wherever we decide sometime on Sunday, June 22.
I know lodging is important; but, so is a somewhat central location IF we want to catch the best roads AND need to return to the same locale every day.

Now that we have the dates (June 23rd through June 27th) - can you set up a vote thingy for choice of one home base every night or a traveling motel each evening?
I been working quite a bit on day ride routes from different one base locations. They all come out pretty long. A moving itinerary as originally suggested by Ogremeister and Nolton really would be better for seeing the best country and roads.
We need a room count for those coming! Noting how many double bed rooms you need is better than just saying 2 are coming.
Rkynmypkt and Rolltide,
We could hook up in Wells or Salt Lake and then roll into Vernal for Rolltide???