Well, I am changing my detente spring today, but I am not real confident that is the problem. I searched a bit here and at .com using "transmission skip" and "transmission slip", found the symptoms duplicated, but no threads that reported the problem solved, really, seems a transmission rebuild is in order when I get back., I think I have bigger problems. But if I baby it it seems fine, I'm going to chance it.
No $hit!?!?!
Sure wish I knew that last week when I discovered mine were shot and before I made the order.
I shall remember that tip.
Nice to know you are NOT just another little pretty face, Steel.
Well, I am changing my detente spring today, but I am not real confident that is the problem. I searched a bit here and at .com using "transmission skip" and "transmission slip", found the symptoms duplicated, but no threads that reported the problem solved, really, seems a transmission rebuild is in order when I get back., I think I have bigger problems. But if I baby it it seems fine, I'm going to chance it.
Change the oil and filter, rewire the useless horn and pack. Leaving tomorrow morning for my first stop in Muncie. My first trip to the Rockies and to meet with such a good bunch of guys again has me so stoked!
I was hoping to have a beer with California Jim but after that pic he posted yesterday I doubt he'll live long enough to ride again..........