RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

Change of plans...we are going to leave Thursday and drive to Palo Duro Canyon State Park, ride Friday and then continue the trip on Saturday
Working on new schedule may be leaving here on Friday and ride to Amarillo so we could meet up and roll together. Will up date and get my phone number to you guys.
Babe if you are coming on I 40 I will be leaving Saturday on my bike
Yes we are leaving Saturday the 21st and I think that is how we are going. Not sure you may check with Rainman. We can meet up and ride out together . We were planning on doing around 700 miles a day so we would stay on the road for 2 nights. Get there on Monday and leave back out to come home on Thursday.
Babe if you are coming on I 40 I will be leaving Saturday on my bike

Yes we will be taking 40 we r planning to ho through sT Louis if u want I can pm u my number and we can talk this weekend