Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket/2/1/Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 /2 /2 /Wyoming /5
Warp9.9/1/1/Illinois/5 rooming with TO Rocket and his girl so Paul Might be sleeping on the porch
Days inn. Rick I am thinking about heading out Saturday the 21st and leaving Saturday the 28th will probably have a layover at about 400 or 500 miles unless every one wants to go strait thru. Are you meeting at Lupe's house. The folks coming from the south will have some input on when we leave so it might be Sunday when we take off.
Rick, if you want to get here one day early and rest for a day you are welcome to do it, any body else traveling this way is welcome to rest here over night, plenty of room
Rick, if you want to get here one day early and rest for a day you are welcome to do it, any body else traveling this way is welcome to rest here over night, plenty of room