RAA 9--"GETTIN HIGH" PRE-RIDE June 22, 23 2014

The way back is wide open, as of now. I have family in Utah & friends in Wyoming...I'm retired...no plan-no schedule...for the trip back.

Warrenton - Co Springs is approx 12 hrs & we will gain an hour when we hit mountain time...

I would say leave Warrenton @ 7:30am central time...

How far is your sister's from Warrenton?

I am planning on staying here in Warrenton
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I edited post #3 on 1st page of this thread to add this info.........

(after searching reviews & prices, these looked good to me)

re-posting here as well...everyone can make their own reservations.

(You can stay where ever you want but these are gonna be my departure points)


Saturday June 21, 2014

Rodeway Inn
103 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO, US, 80829-2426 Phone: (719) 685-3300

Sunday June 22, 2014
Argo Inn and Suites
2622 Colorado Blvd.
P.O. Box 1990
Idaho Springs, Co. 80452 Phone: (303) 567-4473
She 70miles east in Brighton IL
Parade rides, trailers...next thing you know someone will want to follow a van.....

(sorry, it's an old story )

You know I used my GPS sans sound for the 11,500 mile criss-cross country ride I did last summer.
I found it difficult with no sound, especially when the sunlight washed out the screen. I look forward to see how the Sena performs for me.
At least I will have plenty of room to pack a change of clothes

Just color my ass jealous. Shall look forward to checking that beauty out - shoes off of course.