The 2nd weekend. I will not miss spending Mother's Day with my mom. I can not bring her with me and I don't know if in another year she will even know who I am. So Ime out the 2nd weekend. Either way may see y'all around. We will ride with Josey a lot thru the summer so y'all have fun!
Hopefully I will be living in my mounatin "mansion" by then about an hour as the BRP flies . Please do not litter where I live and no sugared up stump hole panther piss fer some of ya. I would bring the pure 190 proof stuff but yankee flat landers can't even hang with a little old hurricane let alone Rocket Fuel. As usual, love it but leave it like ya found it. Thanks. Anyone ever run the Gauntlet ?
Hey Josey where does us **** Yankees fit in?
I got transplanted down south in 1981 until the BRAC commision shut down the Naval air base I worked at in Norfolk and got forced back above the mason dixon line
I still own a house down in Virginia and go there every year. The ole lady wants me to dump it So far it has taken me 18 years and I still have not hung the for sale sign on it.
I hope to wear her out and end up back down there. Not that it matters anyway. I have always said "if it aint got a cork in it it aint worth drinking with the exception of a mason jar"
Serious though that area looks great for a ride its just whether you guys want to not use Gabi and Rob's establishment this year or not. Either way I am in. Might be able to talk Paul into meeting me half way from Canada again this year. Its alway a blast riding down with him. We kind of get peoples attention traveling in fighter packs .
Maybe we should all think of a different place like the lake of the Ozarks or better yet add a third RAA event to the year?
long as there's a Rockets Across America "someplace",
I really don't care where or when.
Maybe centrally located, so more of the guys
that live further west can come an join in.
The HUB is good, in Marble Falls, Arkansas.
off the beaten path, good riding, etc...
long as there's a Rockets Across America "someplace",
I really don't care where or when.
Maybe centrally located, so more of the guys
that live further west can come an join in.
The HUB is good, in Marble Falls, Arkansas.
off the beaten path, good riding, etc...
I enjoy the HUB also. Has that "rustic" biker hangout kind of vibe. They also have great food right there, and great riding. However if we go there in the spring, where are going to go in the fall
I agree you guys should expand and have more gathering to accommodate the membership . I wanted to make this my last event to coordinate to allow other the opportunity and to take a break. I will still attend when I can just taking a less active role in the site and events. I know some are growing tired of the Maggie valley venue and truly understand if you don't attend. But since it is my last one I would like to have my final hooray where I started several years ago. I will post the dates once I get them nailed down if you can make it great if not I truly understand. It does not even have to be called RAA for that matter since alot of us have moved on to other bikes. I just want to do one last event to show my appreciation to everyone that has supported these events before I hang up my hat and learn to enjoy the fruits of someone elses labor for a while.....
I agree you guys should expand and have more gathering to accommodate the membership . I wanted to make this my last event to coordinate to allow other the opportunity and to take a break. I will still attend when I can just taking a less active role in the site and events. I know some are growing tired of the Maggie valley venue and truly understand if you don't attend. But since it is my last one I would like to have my final hooray where I started several years ago. I will post the dates once I get them nailed down if you can make it great if not I truly understand. It does not even have to be called RAA for that matter since alot of us have moved on to other bikes. I just want to do one last event to show my appreciation to everyone that has supported these events before I hang up my hat and learn to enjoy the fruits of someone elses labor for a while.....
I agree you guys should expand and have more gathering to accommodate the membership . I wanted to make this my last event to coordinate to allow other the opportunity and to take a break. I will still attend when I can just taking a less active role in the site and events. I know some are growing tired of the Maggie valley venue and truly understand if you don't attend. But since it is my last one I would like to have my final hooray where I started several years ago. I will post the dates once I get them nailed down if you can make it great if not I truly understand. It does not even have to be called RAA for that matter since alot of us have moved on to other bikes. I just want to do one last event to show my appreciation to everyone that has supported these events before I hang up my hat and learn to enjoy the fruits of someone elses labor for a while.....