RAA 8 Spring Launch

So I'm hoping to make it down this year, any camping there? (the best party is always around the campfire)

Not sure about the camping I am to **** old for that. I have seen a feller we know sleep on the sidewalk under the eve. Something about large mass quantities of Jim Beam and other elixors
Thanks, I will, but pretty sure it's the right one. Very motorcycle oriented, and in Maggie Valley, (though they don't list RAA among all the MC events.)
easy to tell if you talked to gabi she has a eastern block acicent slovic in orgin. Her hausband is howerver american and is from Pekin Illinois where I am from. I love talking to Gabi she light up when she heres my last name recognizes it every time. Must be a Polish thing Only othe rcustomer she gets me mixed up with has a last name of Szczepanski