RAA 8 Attendance list

Made it home safe and sound. The forecast looked good for the early part of the day so Tripps and I got up early, had a big breakfast and hit the road. Great weather and clear roads. I left Tripps Just before Buffalo and made a run to the border. No problems and made it just before the skies opened up.
3434 kms, 2133 miles in total. Had a great time
Missed the rain coming into Michigan today. Only encountered a sprinkle. Pulled into my driveway with 2,450 miles for the trip. I am ready to go again
Start planning for RAA Texas!!
We are booked already
In later news, the guy who hooked up my trailer at the U-haul place must have over-tightened the hand nut that clamps the trailer to the ball. When I put the trailer on at MV, I tightened it just enough to remove the free play. Pulled Like a dream on the way home. Now I'm glad I didn't set fire to the car thinking IT was the POS
I'm glad you didn't set fire to the car too! With all that apple pie in us we'd have gone off like a bomb................
Your GPS turned you off in an odd spot, I thought, I wondered how you made out. I would have sent you on the 190.
Seemed weird to me too but it sent me over a bridge past some factories and then on to the Peace Bridge no bother. I saved $0.15 on the toll too
So this one is in the bag and Texas is on the books I am ready for the next one when is it???
Made it home safe and sound. Not all good here...garage door wide open, all doors open. All the wife's jewelery gone and one of my pistols. On a good note, all of the bikes are accounted for and all of my guns except a .22 pistol. They obviously got interrupted. I hope they come back....

If anyone sees somebody walking around Houston with a Browning Buckmark that don't belong to em send him my way...cops are gone now so my place just turned into a weapons free zone