RAA 8 Attendance list

You all have a great time and be safe. Hope the weather holds out because we got raided by tornadoes last night.
Next time Bigfoot, next time.
Ya'll take lots of pictures and be sure to put names with em.
I hope everybody has a safe trip there an home.
I'm SURE you'll have a god time once you're there.
somebody grab STB, Katie, Lor, and Gabby,
and any other wives I know that wouldn't mind,
and give em a big ole hug for me..
Be safe guys and I sure am looking forward to pics
and stories......
I-40 sucks. Construction for 100+ miles.

We are waiting for the other half of the group to show.
we will be leaving in the morning
the rainman cometh
Mulley it did ridinsunshine no good when she came a couple years ago so it ain't gonna do ur sunshine man no good neither