Sorry to hear you won't be there this year Skip. I'm bringing my friend from CA who is an ole' HD dude himself. Him and his bud even made the centerfold of Eastrider Rag back in the sixties. Don't work TO much Skip. Take care and know you will be missed
All packed up...strapped down and ready to roll.. between 9 & 10 am
Wish me luck on getting there in one piece......and no fire...
There could be a new land mark in NC....
The Ol'Girl looks like the Beverly Hillbillies coming to town.
Going to take my time on getting there, ride like I am invisable....Sleeping tonight will be hard to do....
Oh...I do not have to shave my back or sleep with the Goat.
I got a call from a nice young lady tonight...I got a room at the motel..I'll be in room 20
Thanks to all the guys that were so nice in offering me a place to stay....I will do the same if someone needs a place to stay....Oh and no Goat or back shaving needed to stay
Bike is in my truck! Leaving out in the morning with the wife and the camper. First time I have ever put a running motorcycle in a pickup. Wasn't as hard as I thought just can't close my tailgate all the way.
See most of you tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't meet you Skip.