RAA 8 Attendance list

I have a room booked with double beds so if the above offers don't work out for you then you have a place to spend the night.

As long as you don't bother my goat.
Thank you guys for being so nice......

Man....life sure sucks sometimes...

My wife cleans houses to make money for us because my SS just quite don't cover our needs

While she was vacuuming the floor in the house she was cleaning....she tripped over the vacuum cord and knocked over a 60 inch HD flat screen TV...

2 large cracks all the way across the screen....after cryig for awhile she went to her bank and got a $1400 loan to pay for the TV..

Which was the right thing to do..

There is a gun show comming the first of the May...I might can try to sell a few gun to help out with the TV deal.

Some time I wish I would have been born Rich instead of so **** Good Looking

Guns! You say guns? What you got that you might will part with? I'm looking for a pump action shotgun.