RAA 6 Patches

Glad to hear you like them Jeremy.
Hope they arrived safe an sound.
No damage and you're happy,
THAT makes my day right there.
thanks for lettin' me know and I'll take your name off the list bro

An yea Jesse, that's what I figured,
and that's the ones that are packaged up,
since the other ones haven't arrived yet.
Thanks by the way.


That works for me. Thanks.
Skip. Check is in the mail. I'm not sophisticated enough to have a pay pal account. Address is in with the check.
Guys, (and girls)
I'm posting this in the RAA patch thread
because I want everyone to at least see it.
I'm sittin here with ALOT of RAA patches and pins
that need to be mailed out to their owners.
Alot of you have paid for them already and are probably wondering,
"where are my patches an pins."
Well, here's the answer.
I NEED addresses to mail them too.
Everybody on the list has theirs in a sealed envelope,
whether they've paid yet or not.
I ain't worried about that part,
but I would like to get them on down the road to you ASAP.

Some have said they'll just pick theirs up and pay at M.V.
that's perfectly alright, like I said, no biggie,
but if you would like yours mailed to you,
so you can have them on at the RAA event,
just send me a e-mail at rocket3man@rocketmail.com
I'll need your name, your handle here, so I know who I'm sending them out to,
and your mailing address.
You might put RAA patches in the subject line so My spam filter won't delete it.
That about covers it for now.
Ya'll ride safe.
raa6 patch/pins

Skip I just PayPaled the money for the patches and pins for RAA6. If you didn't mail out the geezer patches yet put them together. no rush on it. i owe you a beer for the postage
The geezer patches should be in around 4:30 PM today,
according to the UPS site and tracking number.
Which means the post office will be closed when I get them,
but IF UPS delivers them today, like they say,
then they'll go out in the mail tomorrow.
Thanks BTW,