RAA 10 marble Falls, Arkansas 2015

Vote on month and talk about which weekend

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
1olbull - Tacoma, WA - 4 peeps & 4 motors - 4 Ts
Rktnmypkt - Antioch, CA - 1 peep, 1 motor
Rocket Scientist - Spring Lake, MI - 3 peeps & 3 motors (in case Paul wants to come)
Helboy - Moline, IL - 2 peeps & 1 motor
rainman & stb tn 2 peoples 2 bikes Plus Mason Jars
Warp9.9 Forest City, Il 1 person 1 bike
Rockethead Lockport, IL. 1 on 1
Mexican - Tulsa, OK - 2 peeps & 2 motors
Nolton - Florien, La. - 2 peeps & ? 2 motors
idk(67) - Baltimore, MD - 1 with 1 bike
TO Rocket - Georgina, Ontario - 2ppl, 1 bike
Boog - Dumfries, VA, 2 souls, 1 bike (Tenative based on how busy work gets, Jihadist come out in spring you know)

Ski-Milwaukee Wi. 1 Polock, 1 Power Cruiser.

1 room w/1 queen booked. 26th thru 2nd!!!
That makes two Polocks everyone should watch out
Sure happy ya'all can get a response from the Hub.
Called four times since Friday - no answer - left messages - no response and their mailbox is full to boot.
Also sent email with no response. I hope they are OK.
I left my phone number on their answering machine and they called back a few hrs later.
P.S. spelling correction fer little Bill the Merkan discretion, defecation, plagiarism
I left my phone number on their answering machine and they called back a few hrs later.
P.S. spelling correction fer little Bill the Merkan discretion, defecation

Have done that - twice. I'll get them sooner or later.
RE: your spell check . . . my misspelling was intentional in a subtle wise-ass response to "descretion", which I did not author.
Bet it took Bull hours to get a police report done, he'd finish his then go around and correct everybody else's

Woah Nellie!
I was the correctee here and NOT the corrector!
It was English Bob!!!!!!!
Howdy Folks - I haven't done my official intro yet - will put that in the proper place after I post this.

My simple brain is really spinning trying to figure out when this event takes place; similar problem to what I had in reading the 2014 thread as well.
Is there a way to post a note or title at the very top of this folder that defines all of the details of the event?
I have tried to read the 16 pages of this thread several times and it's not obvious to me other than a statement that says "…the week of April 23 - May 2…" which is much more than a week.
Please help this Noob - I need to understand the specific dates as I don't have ten days of vacation to spare.

I hope this is not received negatively; I have to believe others are probably struggling too -- outside of the group that seems to be in the know.

Thanks for planning this and I am hoping I can attend and meet you all!