I''m with Gunshots, Triumph should have just called it the Rocket Hard Bagger not a "Tourer". Having ridden the Gold Wing and the Rocket out on the superslabs, the "Tourer" should have had at least a factory cruise control at a minimum. In the race to swing additional "Harley" riders over to Triumph, as has been said, the Rocket lost it's "soul".
The Gold Wing "only" came with 118 HP and a 125 lbs. of torque, the Rocket easily exceeded these even on the "detuned" Classic. The Gold Wing was more than enough bike to haul two pretty big people across the US in style with plenty of speed and torque. I am still mystified on why the HP was decreased (along with the gas tank) and the torque increased to that level. It appears to allow for a more "accommodating" tire but as Flip has pointed out the increased torque will probably negate the so called advantage of the rear wheel.
As for the stereo and fairing on a long cross country haul they came in handy. Flip, I know that you are not a fan of music while traveling on a motorcycle but for some stretches of the highway it is nice to have something to listen to (the Gold Wing also had a dedicated Weather band on the stereo as well), besides if you wanted the quiet to enjoy the scenery you could always turn the stereo off.
Also having an adjustable suspension was very beneficial especially with a passenger (not that I was able to use that very often which is why, for now, I got rid of the GW).