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Resource Download R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex for Touring 2018-05-28

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Aug 3, 2014
Fairfax, Virginia
Triumph: 2014 Rocket III Touring
I have just installed new D&D slipons as well as k&N filter in the origional airbox for my '15 r3t. Would this tune be for my setup ?
I don't know about "The Tune" -- I would say this will work on your bike, and you will be trading gas mileage for increased performance.
I installed the antipopping tune from HansO which you posted....idles smoother and has higher idle vacuum...haven't test ridden but that's tomorrow.
@Joesmoe, i have this tune. But now i am thinking on installing custom exhaust with the potential cat delete. Would this tune still be relevant after cat delete, what do you think?
Alas, asking about tunes is facing away from the dart board, blindfolded, and throwing darts over one's shoulder.

Given all the variables at play, even between bikes seemingly the same model and configuration, the real answer is to have a pro with a dynamometer test and adjust your ECU per your intent.

Without that, most tunes are running rich, hurting fuel economy and generating carbon buildup in the head to avoid more severe problems that come from extreme temperatures with a too lean condition.

Such is the experience I've gained the nearly five years passed.
@Joesmoe , thanks you for your reply. I understand your intent in being cautious with the answers..i guess my main worry is with the 02 sensor. I inspected the bike today and could swear i saw one prior the cats, meaning that even if i delete them i don't need to worry about the 02 my assessment correct?
I can only say, again, so complicated, there are maybe three folks on this site who have a profound understanding of dynamic nature of fuel-air ratios and the associated appropriate table entries in the ECU. Others have gained knowledge through long and rich experience. For the rest of us, we must trust someone else. There are a number of ECU maps where the respective author has determined that the O2 sensor is counter productive and unnecessary, and my setup for example has the O2 sensor removed. I can't remember now about any of the maps having or not having the O2 sensor. There is a setting in the map that needs to be addressed if the O2 sensor is removed, so the ECU doesn't throw an error for a faulty O2 circuit. Good luck.
If u have the original cats on the bike dot not install a rich tune.
If you drop from 33 miles per gallon to 25 you are running to rich.