Just curious, I’m still running the stock metzlers, 1600 miles on them at the moment. What is the average life’s span? The reason I ask is that I have a 5000km trip planned in July and I’m thinking I may need to start off with new rubber. I should have aprox 8000km on the bike just before I head out on the road in July. I have a funny feeling the meters will be done by then.
Just curious, I’m still running the stock metzlers, 1600 miles on them at the moment. What is the average life’s span? The reason I ask is that I have a 5000km trip planned in July and I’m thinking I may need to start off with new rubber. I should have aprox 8000km on the bike just before I head out on the road in July. I have a funny feeling the meters will be done by then.
I'm not a heavy guy, nor am I heavy with the throttle and braking, and yet, the front Metzler was badly cupped at 6,000 miles, and the rear was badly worn. I went with a pair of Avon Cobras (white wall up front thanks to @cr0ft ), and the clock is ticking. Pretty sure I'm going to try the Michelins next. I have them on my Honda, and just love the positive change over the OEM Bridgestones, in all conditions (that's my daily commuter).
Thanks, yes I agree, the metzler sate horrible in wet weather.
Living on the west coast I see enough rain. I’ll sacrafice longevity for wet weather stability as I use my bike as my daily commuter 8 months out of the year.
I just ordered a set of the Execra Max for the R3T, if I get 20k KM’s I’ll be happy, if not...oh well.