Guess it is about like Augusta. Glad I am down here along the water keeping a little warmer although right now it is 31 and getting colder. Tomorrow is going to be a bit chilly on the way to work. When I picked my bike up I took the heated gear and used it the whole way back. Just glad it didn't rain. I am taking it to FL also. A couple of years ago I about froze my A off between Daytona and Titusville. Not doing that again. The weather is a lot better in Oct for Biketoberfest.
well I got the risers in and tried to put them on my self I ended up sheering the cluth adjuster in half so it's off to the shop to get it fixed and I will have them put the risers on all in an effort to save money it's going to cost it now
Yikes!! How did that happen?? Mine was difficult to turn, so I applied some Marvel Mystery oil to the threads and it went in a bit easier. Sorry to hear about your mishap.
well as I was trying to figure out how to gt the cable out I loosened up the adjuster a bit too much as a result it started to shift so I decided to tighten it back down and it i guess just locked up and snapped. at least the good news I can or I believe I can ride it up to the shop to get it fixed bad news its going to be 82 here tomorrow I just have to hold out until Wednesday to get it fixed a plus side I will have them put it on. I wish the instructions for the risers were written in southern
$169.00 yikes!

I was going to order until I saw the price, I believe I can wait.:eek:
well I decided to put them on today and I have to say what a difference they are cutting down my turning distance by more then half and giving me only 5'5" a much better riding position.
I installed them last night and really like them. I'm six foot tall and it definitely makes the bike easier to handle and much more comfortable on the longer rides. I had to ride out to Smithfield today and that is about 1 hour and fifteen minutes each way. Much nicer ride.
Wat kind of difference did they make? Did they bring the bars back or up? Mine are uncomfortable because of the bends but also feel to close sometimes so I would like some details to see if they might be a way to go. Lifting the bars might make some difference to me.