R3T Rivco Risers

I have been thinking my bars come back to far and was thinking about changing them out. I don't like the bend at the grips either. Does anyone know if the R3T takes a special bar or will any 1 inch bar work? I have a couple around from my H-D's. And Rooster, I have seen your old Vulcan and it was pretty big also. Was thinking about buying it a couple of weeks ago.
Man you dont even know how much money I put in to the vulcan to get it the way I liked it the accessories are worth more than the bike is worth I hate that I had to trade it in but in the end its worth it I almost have the rock set up the way I wanted it the risers should have me set for a while well maybe a rack soon but I need to go on a really long ride to need that can't wait for summer maybe I will head down your way as long as I dont go to edisto beach I will be fine
6 bend pull backs

I while back I had my most trusted MC mechanic take measurements and order some of what I used to call 6 bend pull backs (from my chopper days). I am too happy with the results. It is like being in a recliner when my feet are on the road bars. My hands are resting on my knees as I lean against the seat rest. My only concern is that I am too comfy and may fall asleep. The beast is in the shop getting a much needed front tire and hopefully the secondaries deleted. I'll take some pics and poste 'em when she's free.

I'm very happy with Jon's work and knowledge see Alien Cycle | Amsoil | Best Oil Filter | Terminal Velocity II Fuel Injection | Flathead Motorcycle He may be an old flathead nut but at the same time he is smarter than most cookies. Some of his projects like hydrogen power and running a motor off gas vapor (no liquid connection) are scary.
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That's not much of a ride. Do like I'm doing, Thursday I am heading to Willie's Tropical Tatoo for the bike show in Ormond Beach. Then down to Cape Canaveral to visit my bro and he and I are going to ride around Friday and Saturday, then back here to Beaufort on Sunday.
its got too warm up a little more for me to head more than 3 or fours away. That reminds me I need to get a hold of Ed to see when he is coming back up this way none the less there is always the state rally in May hopefully with out the rain this year. By the way when I was up in Greenville a couple weeks ago for the international motorcycle show Jeff was up there at the Triumph booth rode the vulcan 2000 glad as hell I did not get that bike
Yea, I was at his shop picking up my bike that Saturday. He had told me that he was going but I needed to get back to the house. Ed is in Florida with his sister or at least he was last week. It is going to be in the 70's this weekend but I was going to Bike week anyway. I bought a set of electric liners for my jacket and chaps with gloves back in January so I don't really care how cold it gets anymore. I just turn up the thermostat. I came through O'burg on the way home that Saturday. Seems that that is the best way to get here from Batesburg.
I am glad you got the bike back if it was warm in the morning I would go out for a ride I wanted to see how the new seat was but now the the risers will be in friday I think I am going to hold off until its gets a bit warmer hopefully it will not be long the poker runs are starting to start and its normally not too far after that.
Supposed to be in the 70's Thursday through Sunday down here. Sunday it is supposed to be almost 80. I didn't ride today because of some work issues but I rode yesterday and am riding tomorrow. Unless I have to haul something to work I ride. Of course the electric suit really makes it a lot more comfortable. Had the R3T for 6 months and have a little over 7K on it now. By Sunday should be over 8. Is the temps that different from here to there? I guess being inland makes a big difference.