Frosty Rider

Nov 24, 2016
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2010 R III T, 2020 R 3GT, 2001 HD CVO WideGlide
ok, i'm looking to change out the suspension on the R3T with progression front springs and 444 rears 13-inch Standard springs, (front and rear), I did this to my Harley last weekend since it was at the point where if I came to a speed bump, it was pretty much a given that it was going to bottom out especially if I had a pillon on board. New 444-13inch and progressive springs, looks good, went to put it on the side stand, and I totally forgot to take into account that, as I have raised the ride height of the bike, I have also done the same to the kickstand, Yea, that didn't work out well, I have to get a 1-inch block to put on the bottom of the kickstand so I don't have so much lean on the bike. (live an learn as they say)

When I do this to the triumph, how big of a factor is this going to be, and will I need to add a block to that kickstand as well, or is the rise minimal enough that this shouldn't be an issue, I will also be using standard front and rear springs as I am just not that heavy
I changed my stock shocks and springs out, Hagon rears and Progressive fronts, no side stand issues here.
Something is not right.
Your 13 inch are ½ inch longer than OEM.
The side stand is actually fairly long requiring me to watch closely where & how I park.
I would think the small amount of extra lean with the 13 inch should be welcome.