Tuneboy, PCIII or whatever, it's still a low compression engine unless you've changed to popup pistions and shaved the head ... it runs best on the cheap stuff.
crap, I forgot that he is in Canada and some parts use the RON measurement rather than the (R+M)/2 method that we do in the States.

91 RON = 87 (R+M)/2

Thanks Tdragger, in Ontario where I am, 87 is regular and 91 is premium.
I bought the bike from a dealer in U.S and he told me to use 91.(probably thinking about U.S.A gas)
So from what I am understanding here with this discussion is that Ontario's regular 87 is fine for my new bike. Right?
Thanks Tdragger, in Ontario where I am, 87 is regular and 91 is premium.
I bought the bike from a dealer in U.S and he told me to use 91.(probably thinking about U.S.A gas)
So from what I am understanding here with this discussion is that Ontario's regular 87 is fine for my new bike. Right?

That is correct. Use the 87 Regular.

There are several threads on this issue. The timing of the spark to when the fuel is completely burned is very critical in order to generate the most power. The wave front propagation of higher octane fuel is slower than lower octance fuel. If your bike is tuned for regular and you run premium, the fuel is not being completely burned and is wasted out the exhaust valve.

The idea that premium is better in all situations is a myth.

Hardleys run premium because they are designed to run premium. They need all the high compression that they can get to generate the 50 hp or so that they get.
i have a 08 r3t with over 31000 miles on it and run 87 octan and have had no problem

Yep, 87 octane runs the best in mine. The 8.5 to 1 compression won't even come close to needing 91 octane. I ran 91 in my '07 Bonneville cuz it had 12 to 1 compression and needed the longer molecules. Marty:D
I think bike dealers are just in the habit when asked that question to answer premium since it seems everything else on the showroom floor does. And not too many salesmen even know what they are selling either. :p