Either they're too lazy to read the manual or they don't like saying to just run it on standard fuel. Perhaps they think it makes the owner feel more special if the bike 'needs' special fuel.
And by the way - and I realise this is the Touring forum - I normally run mine ('09 Standard) on 91 RON, which is equivalent to your 87 (or 89) I think, but on the trip back from Hervey Bay had to put some 95 and 98 in to avoid ethanol. There was a difference. The bike ran rougher at low speed and was harder to start. The engine also seemed a little noisier at idle. Other than that it didn't seem to be doing anything either way to performance or fuel consumption; just cost $3 a tank more. I should add though that some Roadsters don't seem to like it quite as much. Well, Malcy's didn't.