R3T--Fastest Production Touring Bike On Earth?

Engine performance-wise it was better than OK and this model is very luxurious, if that word can legitimately apply to a motorcycle. They just have too many electronic/digital gizmos for my liking and the clutch/throttle controls were very twitchy on the earlier model(s). Dunno' if they worked those issues out?
YEP like I said just ok not anything Iwant to ride around here Iwas not impressed at all
You're a Rocket III snob - so what else is new?
AND you arent impressed either as we rode the thing the same day I like to ride all the bikes and I will buy anything I like as Im not stuck on any one brand I like the KAW ZX14 but wouldnt want to ride one for any distance
Like I said, my main problem with the 1600 GT was with the twitchiness and sensitivity in the fly-by-wire throttle and clutch set up. that and the dipchit salesperson that didn't know that the bike had a three-position adjustment for the seat height, so I was not in an optimal riding position and that's one reason why it felt so top heavy and unwieldy at low/parking lot speed. the base GT's looks did nothing for me either. I think that the 1600 GTL Exclusive is a vast improvement in that department. It is a fast touring machine, no matter how you slice it!
YES lots of play in the clutch and very top heavy and hard to turn in the parking lot as you said not a good bike for my use and was not nearly as fast as advertised
If your looking at the gl 1600 you have to take the multistrada for a demo the 2015 engine is supposedly ducati's smoothest yet.
You're a Rocket III snob - so what else is new?
YES the Rocket has that Big 2300CC engine that can be easily tuned to crush those overpriced gaget laiden unreliable BMWs AND PHIL you know that BMW cant keep up with your ROCKET
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