Installed the R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex tune yesterday. Went well EXCEPT the idle phase for establishing Adaptations. Engine made some "noises" I did not like nor heard before.
Let it finish, noises the same/mechanical like. Shut it off, after a bit restarted it, sounded normal this time. Gunned the motor a few times, sounded fine, though the TPS needle
on screen did not go to 100%/bounced to about 20%, assumed this was the primaries & not secondary's. Did not find a Reset TPS in TuneECU program, did find
reset Adaptations under both ECU and Testing menu's. Used the one under ECU. Also used the key-on/key-off/key-on method from the Triumph 1050 video.
Has anyone else had this experience with the 12 minute idle phase?