R3T derestricting

Do,you know what the peak torque curve is? I was thinking around 2500 rpm. Even though HP rises after 2500 rpm torque starts to fall. Would you want to always be riding at peak torque?
Anyone near Somerset, KY that can help me with this. I cannot find the video for instructions and kinda scared to try and wing it. Don't wanna mess anything up. Thanks
OMG I just finished reading this entire 63 pages of forum ! Wow, lots of information! All I can say is if you read this forum patiently you won’t have any questions! I will have to get the map from someone, but I have everything else figured out as to how I want to proceed. I bought the TuneEcu and cable (need to recheck cable that it’s the correct one). Loaded software to my laptop and it crashed!(hard) So Incase I got bad software, I purchased Tuneboy and cable but need to fix or replace laptop. Just want to do a run through with either software to familiarize myself. Then proceed!
TuneECU is pay for Android - at least I was charged $12 USD for mine.

And, if I am correct the Android version is updated once in awhile.
I have an older HP Laptop running Windows 10 and that is what I used to load in a new map last year. It took a bit to get the drivers for TuneECU in place, but much easier than in the old days before Plug and Play came along.

My wife has a Galaxy tablet she does not use so I am considering putting the Android version of TuneECU on that and see how I like it. I have just one more map to "download" in once I get the RamAir installed.
And I'd like to try balancing the throttle bodies while I have the tank up. (Assuming the tank must be raised to get to the balancing screws).

So, I'll be spending some time in the resources thread to find the perfect map (if I don't already have it (Nels K&N/TORS))

I love this forum!!!
I have an older laptop the kids no longer wanted, and that is my dedicated TuneECU host.

I suspect it won't be long before the computer will go through an update cycle, and the TuneECU will no longer work.

When I first purchased the Android version, there were capabilities it did not have, and once I encountered that, I just never went back.

I can confirm he is updating TuneECU Android infrequently.
Balancing throttle body instructions are in my signature.
Ha ha! I looked it up and I already have it. I must have got it off of you last year some time!!
Found out what I needed! Thanks!!