Most start with an exhaust upgrade for a deeper louder sound and Triumph make an identical straight through cat free open pipe that looks identical to the stock cans but performs.

For Sale - Pristine, unmarked, shiny new in box set of Touring TORs

Some also go aftermarket for stock headers back and others go the whole hog with headers too from various suppliers:
3 here in Oz @ozrider of the forum makes a 'snakey' version, as do CES and REBAND;
1 in NZ (Viking Exhaust by another member @Paul Bryant );
1 in USA (Carpenter); and
another in the UK (TTS).

Next is an air intake upgrade to a RamAir filter kit which comes with air temp detector cable extension (for relocation at the throttle bodies), a filter to cover crankcase breather bypass, and instructions on how to remove all the restrictive plenums and under seat airbox etc.

Other options are 4-5 versions of pods from K&N and pods from RamAir and Unifilter too.
Most start with an exhaust upgrade for a deeper louder sound and Triumph make an identical straight through cat free open pipe that looks identical to the stock cans but performs.

Some also go aftermarket for stock headers back and others go the whole hog with headers too from various suppliers:
3 here in Oz @ozrider of the forum makes a 'snakey' version, as do CES and REBAND;
1 in NZ (Viking Exhaust by another member @Paul Bryant );
1 in USA (Carpenter); and
another in the UK (TTS).

Next is an air intake upgrade to a RamAir filter kit which comes with air temp detector cable extension (for relocation at the throttle bodies), a filter to cover crankcase breather bypass, and instructions on how to remove all the restrictive plenums and under seat airbox etc.

Other options are 4-5 versions of pods from K&N and pods from RamAir and Unifilter too.
I would like to open it up but am interested in modding the stock pipes cutting the restrictive crap out. So this bike has a cat converter? I want that gone for sure.

My F250 7.3 diesel truck gained 50hp and stomps 650ft/lb just by changing the air intake and running a 4 inch exhaust, no cat or muff.
The fuel mileage actually increased. I get 23mpg out of that motor if I keep my foot tapping lightly

I hope that by doing some simple mods, a retune, and opening up to more air . . . then perhaps I will get similar results like I did on my truck. More torque delivered for the same amount of fuel should yield more efficiency. I hope.
Cutting the cats out is onerous nasty work and many hours if you have the skill to cut them open to remove cats and re-weld.

There are a couple of threads and one with photos it is a real PITA apparently.
Cutting the cats out is onerous nasty work and many hours if you have the skill to cut them open to remove cats and re-weld.

There are a couple of threads and one with photos it is a real PITA apparently.
I figure it would save about a thousand dollars though. Thanks for the feedback. Are you running that Triumph crossover/bypass pipe?


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Awesome writeup. Saved to PDF. Thanks a lot.
We did that on our Yamaha roadstar using the stock pipes, just opened the pipes up using a hole saw on a drill and nasty work but we had no cats to deal with. I understand there is hazardous material in the cats.
Awesome writeup. Saved to PDF. Thanks a lot.
We did that on our Yamaha roadstar using the stock pipes, just opened the pipes up using a hole saw on a drill and nasty work but we had no cats to deal with. I understand there is hazardous material in the cats.

Metallic foil monoliths are made of iron-chromium-aluminum combination...... The catalyst washcoat is a carrier for the catalytic materials, which is used to disperse the materials over a high surface area. Titanium dioxide, aluminium oxide, silicon dioxide, or a combination of silica and alumina can be used....The catalyst used in the converter is mostly a precious metal such as platinum, palladium and rhodium.

What Materials are Used in Catalytic Converters?

The bold is mine, that is why people steal catalytic converters. As far as hazardous materials, probably, but a decent mask and gloves should negate any issues with it, just wash your hands before smoking or eating. ;)

I figure it would save about a thousand dollars though. Thanks for the feedback. Are you running that Triumph crossover/bypass pipe?

I have TORS for sale for Au$450 (US$320) + postage and have sent them to the US before. I sold another 2 sets in the past week and have just two left.
For Sale - Pristine, unmarked, shiny new in box set of Touring TORs

Postage to West Virginia was about Au$200 (US$142) all up after being heavily re-packed and double skinned by me to prevent dingles caused during transport by inadequate factory packing and thin weak cartons and foam cups. That is why I buy 4 at a time and they get sent strapped together which much reduces shipping damage to me. I inspect before re-packing.

That cross-pipe pictured is a Dave Platt UK made one but not the best by far and that price is noxious. @Paul Bryant Viking Exhausts' NZ version is much, much better and possibly cheaper, even after delivery costs are compared. His headers and mufflers are pieces of art as well.