R3T derestricting

Hello all. Anybody has a good tune for a R3T (2012) with TORs and Ramair installed? At this moment I'm running a HansO tune. Bike runs very good but 'sneezes' a bit at shifting up.

(edit: down > up)
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And wanted to know if anyone here has tried the free tune with Paul Bryant's high flow cross over pipe?

I don't recall anyone doing this tune with just a crossover pipe but as it works well with the stock box under there it should work just fine with the crossover pipe you have. I don't see how it wouldn't work.

Received a tune from Bob R. Will install this tune after receiving the 'o2 sensor eliminator kit' from ebay.
Thanx a lot Bob!
Installed the R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex tune yesterday. Went well EXCEPT the idle phase for establishing Adaptations. Engine made some "noises" I did not like nor heard before.
Let it finish, noises the same/mechanical like. Shut it off, after a bit restarted it, sounded normal this time. Gunned the motor a few times, sounded fine, though the TPS needle
on screen did not go to 100%/bounced to about 20%, assumed this was the primaries & not secondary's. Did not find a Reset TPS in TuneECU program, did find
reset Adaptations under both ECU and Testing menu's. Used the one under ECU. Also used the key-on/key-off/key-on method from the Triumph 1050 video.
Has anyone else had this experience with the 12 minute idle phase?

Ok you loaded the tune, then clicked 'Reset adaptives' to clear compensation memory, turned key off counted to five or fiddled around putting the headlight fuse in. Then started it without touching the throttle waited until the fan came on the ran her for an additional 12 minutes ? Right ?
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Thanks for replying, did NOT remove headlight fuse, used a battery charger instead. Did NOT touch the throttle. Ran it for about ten minutes, the fan came on, then shut it off.
Did NOT run it for an additional 12 minutes after the fan came on.
Thanks for replying, did NOT remove headlight fuse, used a battery charger instead. Did NOT touch the throttle. Ran it for about ten minutes, the fan came on, then shut it off.
Did NOT run it for an additional 12 minutes after the fan came on.
Ok so you know you did not do the twelve minute tune. You just idled it for 10 minutes after you either reset the adaptive or not. And (really important) turn the key of for a few seconds and then back on.
Ok so you know you did not do the twelve minute tune. You just idled it for 10 minutes after you either reset the adaptive or not. And (really important) turn the key of for a few seconds and then back on.

I did use the "Reset Adaptations" under the TuneECU Programs ECU menu. Used the Triumph 1050 video referred to in this thread for the switching method. It goes: switch it off,
then switch it on for ten seconds, then off and back on again. Then reset TPS from SW, could not find this. Then start it, did this, though I ran over the ten seconds some.

Since the map itself seems to work for everyone who has used it, and it loaded fine, I am a bit suspicious of the key switching method. If I start the bike now it sounds fine
but I'm concerned the Adaptations did not update correctly. Just want to be careful before riding it.

Wayne's take later in the thread says:
"You really want to clear the adaptive trims by disconnecting a lead on the battery for 30 seconds. Then load the new
calibration (tune). Next, fire up the bike, and perform a 12 minute tune-up to force new idle adaptions."

I don't know exactly what the 12 minute tune-up is.
As Warp said above "start the bike, without touching the throttle, wait until the fan comes on then let it run her for a additional 12 minutes"

Thanks very much Paul & Warp, will give it another go tomorrow.